Garden Project, A Blooming Success Thanks To Northumberland Freemasons

23rd July 2022

A community project in Blyth has recently received a generous grant, from Northumberland Freemasons, to help convert the former Crofton Mill Pit Heap and Goose Field in order to improve the woodland and make it a haven for wildlife and flowers.

Northumberland Freemasons, through the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund, donated £1000 to the Friends of Crofton Field, founded in March 2021, to assist with the start up costs to include gardening equipment, nest boxes, seeds and plants.  

Gordon Craigs, of Northumberland Freemasons, explained “The Trustees of the Richard Henry Holmes Benevolent Fund were delighted to sponsor the Friends of Crofton Field who instigated the “Love Northumberland Community Garden” project. As a result, what was an overgrown strip of land has been divided into beautifully cultivated plots by a range of individuals, families, and small local organisations such as Croftway School, local Rainbows and Brownies and Journey Enterprise.

Their hard work has been judged by Northumbria in Bloom and the results are eagerly awaited. Additionally, at the end of the month the plots will again be judged, this time by Blyth in Bloom. We wish them every success for a “blooming” good result.”

The Benevolent Fund donates around £160,000 annually to local charities and good causes, including food banks, to boost worthwhile and deserving projects throughout Northumberland, Newcastle and North Tyneside.

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