Northumberland Freemasons Tee Off For Charity

15th July 2022

Early July saw the inaugural Northumberland Freemasons Charity Golf Day, held Close House Golf Course in Heddon on the Wall, well supported by 24 participants from across the Province.

Organised by Bro Collin Bowman of Gavel Lodge No.8928, which meets at Cramlington Masonic Hall, the participants were greeted on arrival with the usual tea, coffee and bacon rolls, prior to heading out in their teams of 4 onto the stunning Lee Westwood Championship Colt Course, home of the British Masters in 2017 and 2020.

The competition was scored, via Stableford, with the best 2 individual scores per hole being counted towards the team total. In addition there was a competition for longest drive on the Par 5 7th hole, and closest to the pin on the Par 3 14th..

Conditions on the day were challenging with some light rain showers and at times some strong winds, but the onsite drinks cart did the rounds and kept everyone’s spirits high.

On return to the stylish surroundings of the No.19 Clubhouse and restaurant, all players handed in their scorecards and then received their lunch. A raffle was held with prizes donated by a number of brethren and guests, as well as an auction for a signed Lee Westwood Close House Golf Shirt.

The fantastic sum raised for the Northumberland Masonic Charity Association was £650 which with gift aid added equates to £812.50.

Results where then announced with the longest drive being won by Adam Wales, whose Father W.Bro Gavin Wales of John Page Lodge collected the trophy on his behalf.

The winning team on the day was W.Bro Gary Breach, Bro Collin Bowman, Bro Michael Watson and Bro Tom Burns with a score of 79 points, all masons in Cramlington Masonic Building. They were presented with individual shields to mark the victory and the team cup.

The whole day was a huge success with great feedback being received by those who attended, a repeat will definitely be arranged for a future occasion.

Many thanks go to W.Bro Gary Breach for the submission of this article.

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