Northumberland Freemason Publishes His First Book

04th December 2021

Bro. Chris Fraser of Oriental Lodge 9371 has used the pandemic lockdown wisely by writing his first book.

Chris’s book;  Inside China – From the Great leap Backward to Huawei is a fascinating look at the 40 years Chris spent working in and around Greater China (Mainland/Hong Kong and Taiwan) as a Hong Kong Police Officer and then in the British Consulate as well as other roles in Foreign Investment with Hong Kong and North of England Development organisations. Chris is also a Director of several Hong Kong and Mainland companies and 20 years ago he founded ChinaEuro Associates to work on trade and investment opportunities to and from China, including a major attempt to introduce Bingo to a Mainland China audience). The book is also a commentary on Chinese political and cultural themes which are still relevant today.

The book was a project started during the pandemic in 2020 when I had time on my hands and a file containing clippings, photos and memorabilia from years gone by which could fit a memoir style book which would hopefully not be too boring and contain humour as well as interesting material about Hong Kong and Mainland China. Writing the book took about 3 months helped by the use of voice recognition software, where talking into a headset mic is translatedt (mostly accurately) into typed script on the desktop. 

Bro Chris Fraser, Oriental Lodge 9371

Inside China – From the Great leap Backward to Huawei by Chris Fraser OBE is available to purchase on the Amazon Book Store as an eBook.

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