John Sales Into The History Books With Golden Anniversary Celebrations

02nd December 2021

Today we celebrate with W.Bro. John Liddle of St Raphael Lodge No.6261, which meets at Byker Masonic Building on completing fifty years of uninterrupted service in the Craft.

John was Initiated into Freemasonry into Eldon Lodge No.3187, in February 1971, remaining a member until April 2004. He joined Corstopitum Lodge No.9019 in February 1982, however the Lodge was sadly erased in 1997. He subsequently joined Delaval Lodge No.2568 in January 2005, resigning in October 2009, and finally joining St Raphael Lodge No.6261, which he is currently a member of. John occupied the Masters Chair, in Eldon Lodge, in 2002 for two years and in 2016 in St Raphael Lodge.

In 1987, in Provincial Grand Lodge, John was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Registrar, subsequently promoted to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 1995 and finally deservedly promoted to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, by way of a field promotion, on the night of his celebrations. .

John was Exalted into Duke of Connaught Royal Arch Chapter No.3892, in 1978, becoming Most Excellent in 1989. He has held the office of Director of Ceremonies on two separate occasions and was Scribe Ezra for the Chapter from 2011 to 2015. He became of joining member fo Northumbrian Past Principles Royal Arch Chapter in 2001, subsequently resigning in 2003.

In recognition of his hard work, John was appointed to the rank of Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in Provincial Grand Chapter in 1994 and was promoted the next year to Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah.

John was educated at Heaton Technical School and served an apprenticeship at C A Parsons, subsequently studying at Rutherford College and Newcastle Polytechnic, now Northumbria University. He joined their rowing club, now the Tyne Rowing Club at Newburn, and continued at Blyth Rowing Club. John had an envious rowing career, achieving Elite status in Eights, Fours ,Pairs and single sculls having successes in all of the disciplines. He subsequently commenced sailing at the Royal Northumberland yacht club, and had many successful races, including being crowned as British National Champion in 1995. He is a RYA Yacht master and Race Officer and has sailed in Mediterranean, Norway, Holland, Greek Islands Scotland, Eire, Hebrides,. Caribbean, Caledonian Canal. Forth Clyde Canal. the Thames, the Norfolk Broads , Northern France and the Channel Islands. John has regularly raced at Cowes Week over a number of years and cruise the English Channel to Northern France. In addition to this he is also the holder of a Royal Humane Society award on Vellum after saving a life at sea.

Congratulations from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons on reaching the fantastic milestone of fifty year in Freemasonry. We all wish you many more years of happiness in the Craft.

Many thanks to W.Bro John Liddle of St Raphael Lodge for the submission of this article.

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