Independence Day this year saw members of the Northumberland Division of the Red Cross of Constantine journey, en masse, to the home of Craft Masonry in London, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London to witness two well known brethren in the Province, John Tomlin and Stuart Cairns, receive their first Grand Rank appointments in the order, as Past Grand Prefect and Past Grand Warden of Regalia respectively, with another stalwart of Northumberland Freemasonry, John Liddle , receiving a very well deserved promotion to Grand Orator.Led by the Intendant General for the Division of Northumberland, Right Illustrious Knight Trevor Fish, the group were further treated when they witnessed the Past Intendant General of Northumberland, Right Illustrious Knight Michael Daws, awarded the honour and dignity of ‘Knight Commander of Constantine’ in recognition of his service to the order.
A very well deserved recognition and a member that Northumberland Freemasons are rightly proud of.
Congratulations from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons for the outstanding achievements of all the recipients concerned.
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