A Touching Tribute: The Inaugural Les O’Neil Meritorious Service Award Presented at Ocianus Lodge

24th September 2024

In a heartwarming and emotional evening at the most recent meeting of Ocianus Lodge , the Provincial Grand Master (PGM) R.W. Bro Ian Craigs presided over the presentation of the first-ever Les O’Neil Meritorious Service Award . The award, created in honour of the late W. Bro Les O’Neil , recognises exceptional service within the Province of Northumberland, and it was made possible by a generous donation from Lorna and Alan Jackson, close family friends of the PGM and daughter and son-in-law of W. Bro O’Neil.

Honouring a Legacy of Service

W. Bro Les O’Neil, a highly respected member of Hextoldesham Lodge No. 5577, dedicated 58 years of his life to Freemasonry before his passing in January 2021. In his memory, Lorna and Alan Jackson gifted £10,000 from his estate to the Province, giving the PGM full discretion to use the funds. The PGM chose to establish an Annual Meritorious Service Award to honour members of the Province who demonstrate outstanding service. Each recipient will receive a certificate and £500 to donate to a charity or cause of their choice.

On this inaugural occasion, the Provincial Grand Master decided to present the award posthumously to W. Bro John Pescott, a beloved member of Ocianus Lodge, for his exceptional contributions to Freemasonry.

A Moving Ceremony

Distinguished guests, including Lorna and Alan Jackson , along with members of W. Bro Pescott’s family— Jennifer Pescott, Louise Stewart, and Katrina Pescott —were invited into the lodge for the special ceremony.

The PGM began by expressing his gratitude to the Jacksons for their generous gift, which made the award possible. He spoke about the significance of the Les O’Neil Meritorious Service Award, which will be presented annually to a deserving Freemason who has gone above and beyond in their service to the Craft. He then paid a touching tribute to both W. Bro Les O’Neil and W. Bro John Pescott, highlighting their dedication and contributions to their respective lodges and the wider Masonic community.

The Presentation

The highlight of the evening was when Lorna Jackson was invited to present the award to Jennifer Pescott , W. Bro John Pescott’s widow. In a moment filled with deep emotion, the award was handed over alongside a £500 donation to the British Heart Foundation, a cause chosen in  memory of W. Bro Pescott.

Louise Stewart followed with heartfelt words of gratitude, thanking the PGM for his touching tribute to W. Bro John Pescott and acknowledging the Jacksons for their thoughtful and meaningful contribution to the Province. The presentation not only honoured two exceptional Freemasons but also served as a reminder of the enduring bonds of fraternity and service that define the Masonic tradition.

A Lasting Legacy

The evening concluded with the Provincial Grand Master, distinguished guests, and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge retiring from the lodge to a celebratory festive board, leaving behind a lasting memory of a truly special event. The Les O’Neil Meritorious Service Award will now serve as a lasting legacy, honouring Freemasons who exemplify the spirit of dedication and service that W. Bro Les O’Neil and W. Bro John Pescott embodied throughout their Masonic journeys.

As the award becomes an annual tradition, it will continue to inspire Masons across the Province, celebrating those who give selflessly to both the Craft and the wider community.