A Summer Of Engagement

18th September 2023

Throughout the summer, the Northumberland Freemasons have been on a mission to spread the word about their organisation and the positive initiatives taking place in the region. They’ve attended numerous shows and events, including prominent ones like the Glendale Show, the Northumberland Show, and the Pride event, to connect with the public and share the good news about their work.

At these events, the Northumberland Freemasons have seized the opportunity to discuss their charitable activities, community projects, and the positive impact they’ve had in Northumberland. From supporting local healthcare and education to lending a hand in times of disaster, they have consistently stepped up to make a difference.

But it’s not just about showcasing their deeds; it’s also about inviting others to join their cause. The Freemasons are actively seeking prospective members, and they’re doing so through innovative programmes like Solomon and the Pathways schemes. These initiatives provide a structured and supportive path for individuals interested in becoming Freemasons.

The Glendale Show, Northumberland Show, and the Pride event all served as perfect platforms for their outreach efforts. The Northumberland Freemasons engaged in meaningful conversations with numerous attendees, sharing stories of their impact and explaining the principles that guide their actions. They were keen on connecting with people from all walks of life, showing them that Freemasonry is open to anyone who aligns with their values of charity, morality, and fellowship.

As we reflect on our summer of outreach, we invite you to join the conversation. Use the hashtag #NorthumberlandFreemasonry to follow our journey and stay updated on our upcoming events and initiatives. If you’re curious about becoming a Freemason or want to learn more about our organisation, reach out to us at @NorthumberlandFreemasonry on Facebook. We’re excited to connect with you and share the timeless principles that guide us in making a positive impact in Northumberland and beyond.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, please get in touch with the Provincial Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk