Some memorable dates in the history of the Province
1734 – First Provincial Grand Master appointed and consequent establishment of Provincial Grand Lodge.
1797 – First recorded meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at the White Hart Inn, Newcastle upon Tyne
1810 – Provincial Grand Lodge meeting at Berwick to lay the Foundation Stone for the Pier, which included a ‘Grand Masonic Procession’.
1814 – Act of Union between the two rival ‘Ancient’ and ‘Modern’ Grand Lodges into one United Grand Lodge.
1822 – Visit of the Grand Master, The Duke of Sussex to lay the Foundation Stone of the Literary and Philosophical Society in Newcastle upon Tyne. He returned to Newcastle in 1839 and attended a meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
1839 – The Earl of Durham, Provincial Grand Master died, and the Province was under the charge of a Grand Registrar, with William Loraine as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Even though Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence was appointed as Provincial Grand Master in 1845, he was never installed, and Rev. E C Ogle was installed in his stead in 1848.
1878 – Alnwick Castle hosted a Provincial meeting at which 750 members were present.
1931 – Death of Colonel Charles Warren Napier- Clavering, who had been Provincial Grand Master since 1909. He was one of the most influential Masons of his day, a veteran of the Burmese Campaign of 1887; Head of the Allied Masonic Degrees, and the Order of the Secret Monitor, and may have been partly responsible for introducing Emulation Ritual to Northumberland. His biography was published in 2020,
Further information, on those events, and many other Masonic subjects, may had from the Provincial Library and Museum, 17 Lansdowne Terrace, Gosforth. The Library is open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, and at other times by arrangement. Contact the Librarian, W Bro Ian W Brown on