What Goes Around Comes Around

05th October 2022

W.Bro Colin Smith was initiated into Freemasonry back in September 1975, into Holmes Lodge No.2571, which meets at Byker Masonic Hall, and held the office of Master in 1995 and 1996, having been installed by Wbro Ron Graham. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge when he received a first appointed to Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2003, receiving a promotion to Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon in 2008, then to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 2015 and most recently to Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2018.

Now he has agreed to step into the Masters Chair once again, some 26 years since he last left the position, at the remarkable age of 86 years!

On Wednesday 26th October 2022, his son, W.Bro Guy Smith is all set to perform a full installation ceremony placing his father, Colin, once again into the Chair of King Solomon.

When Guy was raised to a Master Mason back in April 2016,  it was the skill of his fellow brethren, who were all fantastic ritualists, which inspired him to move quickly through the ranks. Just hearing the brethren doing these amazing long pieces of ritual with very little or no prompting, showed him the passion that the members had for their roles.

In each of the three degrees he undertook, his father undertook an active role., performing the North East Corner during the Initiation Ceremony, the South East Corner during the Ceremony of Passing and explained the Tracing Board during the Ceremony of Raising. 

Guy was soon installed into the Masters Chair in October 2018, by Chris Harrison, again with the assistance of Colin, who led him and sat him in the Masters Chair and performed the Master’s Song at the Festive Board.  Never did Guy think he would be passing the Chair back over to his father, 26 years since he last took the office.

During his time as Master, Guy has had the absolute pleasure of raising his own son, Bro Dean Smith into the Lodge, which was a real honour, not just for him but his father also who, once again, aided in the ceremony by performing the North East Corner, South East Corner and the Third-Degree Tracing Board.

Due to the pandemic, Guy’s time as Master has, by dispensation been extended to four years and now it grows even closer to the day when he must step down and pass on the Warrant pure and unsullied to his father. 

Holmes Lodge meet at Corbridge Road, Byker on the 4th Wednesday in February, March, April, May, Jun and then Sept and Oct.

Anyone wishing to attend this momentous occasion on 24th October are urged to contact Guy on w.bro.guysmith@gmail.com, or alternatively, the Lodge Secretary Andrew Smith on smith.aj.1@pg.com

Please book early to avoid disappointment

Many thanks to W.Bro Guy Smith for the submission of this article.

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