Wallsend Masonic Hall Welcomes Coast To Coast Trekkers

27th August 2022

Four days of gruelling trekking, from coast to coast, saw members of Manchester Level Club of East Lancashire Freemasons recently reach their final destination of Wallsend Masonic Hall. 

Their journey witnessed them take on the 85 miles of Hadrians Wall from Bowness in Solway in Cumbria Freemasons area, to our very own Province whilst carrying in excess of 20kg of equipment each. 

There to meet them were members of the hall committee, in addition to our very own Provincial Grand Almoner, Norman West, who sweetened their arduous task with a £500 donation, from the Province, to the East Lancashire 2026 Festival target, in aid of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. 

This magnificent feat has raised, to date, in excess of £5000, however, there is still time to show your support by making a donation at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hadrianswall2022

Congratulations to the members of Manchester Masons, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, and you are welcome to return any time.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk.