Unexpected Field Promotions for the “Dynamic Duo”

11th February 2022

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Kevin Stannard, recently attended the February meeting of Seaton Valley Lodge No.6239, which meets at Seaton Delaval Masonic Hall, in order to pay tribute to two much loved and highly respected Freemasons.

Worshipful Brothers Melvin and Alan Clark, brothers both in masonry and in “real life”, have for many years been stalwarts of the Lodge, of Astley Royal Arch Chapter and of the Seaton Delaval Masonic Hall in general.

W.Bro Melvin was initiated into Freemasonry in Seaton Valley Lodge in April 1975 and has acted as Master of the Lodge on no fewer than four occasions, installing his younger brother, Alan, as his successor in the Chair in 2012. He was recognised for his dedication to the Craft with a first Provincial appointment in 1994 as Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon followed in 2003, by promotion to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

W.Bro Alan, younger than Mel by three years, was initiated in Seaton Valley Lodge in December 1981. He too, has been Master of the Lodge on a number of occasions and, after being installed by his big brother in 2013, repaid the honour by then installing him as Master once again in 2017, though he made him do two years consecutively! Also appointed to Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon in 1997, in Provincial Grand Lodge, Alan was subsequently promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2006.

To recognise their inestimable contribution to their Lodge, to the Province, and to Freemasonry in general, VW Bro Kevin promoted them to, and invested them both with the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

All the Brethren in attendance were delighted at their preferment and, because the promotion had been kept secret from them, all agreed that the looks of consternation on their faces, as they were called forward ….. to be followed by surprise and delight ….. were priceless.

Many thanks go to V.W.Bro Kevin Stannard and W.Bro Steven Kirtley for the submission of this article.

Congratulations to both Melvin and Alan, on their well deserved preferments, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk.