It was a pleasure and an honour for the Deputy Provincial Grand Master to be able to present a Certificate from the R.W. Provincial Grand Master congratulating Worshipful Brother Bill Bewick on achieving his Jubilee in Craft Freemasonry today.
Bill was initiated into Freemasonry in the Lodge of Remembrance on 19th March 1971 and he has been a staunch member and faithful servant to the Lodge ever since. He served as Master of the Lodge in 1982, after which he was the Lodge Secretary for thirteen years from 1991. In consequence of his devotion to the Craft he was promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 1995.
As V.W,Bro Stannard is also the Provincial Prior for Northumberland, and Bill is the Sub Prior, it seemed fitting that the Certificate should be accompanied by a nice bottle of vintage port on behalf of the Knights Templar of the Province, and we hope that Bill will enjoy both as he looks back on a long and enjoyable association with our masonic orders.
Kevin Stannard; DepPGM