The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge meet at Scarbrough Court

22nd May 2024

The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge of Northumberland met in the company of a number of masonic residents of RMBI Care Home, Scarbrough Court, to try and give them some continued involvement in masonry.

Acting as Master, V W Bro Kevin Stannard opened the Lodge, assisted by six other Lodge members, and welcomed seven Brethren who, living in Scarbrough Court, were finding it difficult to attend their own Lodges in the evenings.

After reading the Dispensation, readily granted by the R W Provincial Grand Master, the guest Brethren were invited to tell us something about themselves, and their masonic journey and reminisce about their experiences in their respective Lodges and Chapters. It was fascinating to hear of their memories of Freemasonry and Lodge meetings from a time before (some of) the Stewards had even been born.

After closing the Lodge, the Stewards were invited to the afternoon festivities which were in full swing, led by two professional entertainers – a husband and wife team – who regaled us all with Songs from the Swinging Sixties. To see the residents enjoying the concert – even getting up to dance on occasion – was truly memorable. Inevitably the Steward team were invited to come forward and demonstrate their (ahem) vocal range and dancing prowess. The steps to Mud’s “Tiger Feet” proved especially challenging, though W Bro Guy Smith expertly demonstrated how to “cut a rug”!  Allegedly, video footage is available, circulating somewhere!

Scarbrough Court Activities Co-ordinator, Stacey Hunter, said ‘It was just lovely,  everyone had such a brilliant time. Please pass on our thanks to everyone who attended and made our masonic residents feel welcome and part of the masonic event

Should any Brethren from other Lodges wish to organise a meeting for the residents, they would be made most welcome, but in the first instant, please contact W Bro Stuart Cairns, the Provincial Grand Secretary, who will be able to liaise with Sam Buxton, the Care Home Manager.