The Provincial Grand Master Announces The Craft And Chapter Grand Rank Appointments And Promotions

15th March 2022

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, and Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, is pleased to announce that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has been pleased to Appoint to and Promote in Grand Rank the following Brethren and Companion in the Craft and the Chapter

Craft Appointments:
W.Bro Robert Thornton to PAGDC

W.Bro Raymond Arthur Walton to PAGDC

Craft Promotions:
W.Bro Matthew David Edward Auld to PJGD

W.Bro William Edward Nesbit to PJGD

W.Bro David Southern to PJGD

Chapter Appointments :
E.Comp David Leslie Armstrong to PGStB

E.Comp George Joseph Sanger to PGStB

E.Comp William Thornton to PGStB

Chapter Promotions:
E.Comp John Tomlin to PAGSoj

Congratulations from everyone in Northumberland Freemasons on your well deserved preferrments.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.o