Supporting Newcastle Vision Support: A Story of Community and Collaboration

20th August 2024

At Newcastle Vision Support, the commitment to enhancing the lives of those with visual impairments is unwavering. However, like many organisations, Newcastle Vision Support faced significant challenges recently. After the sale of MEA House to Northumbria University, they were obliged to move out and secure new premises. Fortunately, they found a new home just across the road at Hadrian House, but this transition brought its own set of challenges.

The move required a complete reconfiguration of the office space and, more critically, an upgrade to their IT systems. For an organisation that relies on technology to support over 1,000 visually impaired people in Newcastle, this was a crucial need. But how could they fund these essential updates?

Earlier in 2023, during a trustee meeting, the discussion turned to how they might secure funds for the move and the necessary IT refit. This is where the community spirit of the Northumberland Freemasons came into play. Understanding the importance of this move and the need for updated IT equipment, Northumberland Freemasons agreed to fund the entire IT refit, donating £4,500. This donation ensured that the new office space at Hadrian House could be configured in a way that maximised efficiency, with all staff now able to work together in an organised and collaborative space.

But the support didn’t stop there! 

Through the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), matched funding was secured, adding another £4,500 to the pot! This additional funding was earmarked to support worker’s activities for one year, further bolstering Newcastle Vision Support’s ability to provide essential services to visually impaired people in and around the Newcastle area.

Earlier this year, Philippe Pages of Northumberland Freemasons had the pleasure of attending a thank-you gathering for donors at Newcastle Vision Support. “It was heartwarming to see how the funds had transformed the workspace, creating a more effective and supportive environment for everyone. The ability to work together and deliver valuable support, with up-to-date technology, will undoubtedly enhance the service they can provide to the community.”

The support of Northumberland Freemasons and Masonic Charitable Foundation has successfully helped Newcastle Vision Support navigate a challenging office move and strengthened their resources to help serve those who need it most.

If you’d like to find out more about Northumberland Freemasons please get in touch,