Sid Celebrates Fifty Years In The Chapter

23rd November 2022

Congratulations from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons to, E.Comp Sidney Fisher, on reaching the magnificent milestone of fifty years of uninterrupted service in the Holy Royal Arch Chapter

Sid joined Freemasonry in December 1964 when he was initiated into Portland Lodge No.6170, which meets at Ashington Masonic Hall, nearly 59 years ago. He subsequently joined Northumbrian Masters Lodge No.3477, which meets at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, in 1978, and was a Founder member of Bretwalda Lodge No.9007, which meets at Shiremoor Masonic Hall, in 1981, later joining Viking Lodge No.7934, which meets at Morpeth Masonic Hall. Due to his support of the lodge as a visitor, Sid was made an honorary member of Servavi Lodge No.6105, in addition to Viking Lodge and Bretwalda Lodge. He occupied the Masters chair in Portland Lodge in 1976 and Northumbrian Masters Lodge in 2004

He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge in 1986, with an appointment to Past Provincial Grand Registrar. In Grand Lodge he was appointed to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1993, receiving subsequent promotion to Past Grand Junior Deacon in 2001.

He joined the Holy Royal Arch Chapter in 1972, when he was Exalted into Ashington Royal Arch Chapter No.2868, later joining Northumbrian First Principles No.3477 in 1994. He occupied the chair of Z in 1985 and received the accolade of being appointed, in Provincial Grand Chapter, to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 1986, being subsequently promoted, in 1990, to Past Provincial Grand Sojourner.

Born in September 1933, Sid is a retired School Master having taught all of his life in various schools in Ashington.. He is married with a son who lives in Yorkshire and having been ill for some time and suffering from mobility problems, he has not been able to attend meetings for some time however has set himself a target of attending Portland Lodge in December.

Many thanks to E.Comp Gordon Craigs for the submission of this article.

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