Sesquicentennial Celebrations For Hotspur With Coquetdale Lodge Of Mark Master Masons

28th October 2022

Last week Alnwick Masonic Hall witnessed a momentous occasion when one of the oldest Mark Lodges in the Province, Hotspur with Coquetdale Lodge No.135, were finally able to celebrate their 150th anniversary, having been delayed due to the earlier pandemic.

The original Hotspur Lodge, was consecrated in May 1870, at the Freemasons Hall in Alnwick, and was one of the first Mark Lodges to be consecrated after the formation of the new Mark Province of Northumberland and Durham. It finally merged with Coquetdale Mark Lodge in 2007 to form the Lodge as we know it today.

The evening saw the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro Ray Walton, lead a full Provincial deputation, to help celebrate the milestone. In addition the Lodge received a visit from the, newly appointed Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro Professor Denovan Wilson, accompanied by his Director of Ceremonies, our very own W.Bro David Armstrong, Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

The Assistant Grand Master occupied the Masters Chair and had the pleasing duty of presenting the sesquicentennial warrant to the Master of the Lodge, Stuart Cairns, after which the provincial Chaplain, Gareth Davies, presented an Oration, Service of Thanksgiving and a Benediction.

The celebratory evening was rounded off with a very convivial festive board.

Congratulations from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons to the members of Hotspur with Coquetdale Lodge on their magnificent achievement of 150 years. May this continue for many years to come.

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