Royal Arch Chapter Annual Convocation

25th April 2023

Building year on year, since the pandemic, this year’s Royal Arch Chapter annual meeting was hailed a resounding success, with a fantastic turnout of in excess of 150 members in attendance, both at the meeting and the subsequent dining, and there was much to celebrate with respect to the continued growth of the Royal Arch Chapter in the Province. The highlight of the day was the well deserved Appointments and Promotions of several of our esteemed members, who were recognised for their dedication and hard work, including the newly created Membership Officer, Mentor and Communications Officer roles, to run in tandem with their Craft counterparts.

It was truly inspiring to witness all the recipients being honoured for their contributions to the organisation, with each promotion being well-deserved. It was also very clear that the recipients had put in hard work and dedication to achieve their success.

An electric atmosphere was great to be a part of, as the membership came together to congratulate their peers, and revel in their accomplishments. A fantastic reminder of the importance of community.

Northumberland Freemasons congratulate everyone involved in creating such a resounding success who made it all possible. Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting and helped make it such a memorable day!

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Communications Team at