Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland Installation

23rd July 2024

On a significant day for the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland, Gary Breach was installed as the new Worshipful Master. The ceremony, expertly conducted by installing master Nick Deakin, was met with high praise for its outstanding execution.

Appointment as a Provincial Grand Steward is a signal honour conferred by the Provincial Grand Master, to conduct ceremonial escort duties and play a pivotal role at both the Craft and Royal Arch Chapter annual meetings. To be appointed as a Warden of the Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge of Northumberland is one bestowed by the Provincial Grand Master after consultation with his executive team. This year, W Bro Paul McKay was honoured with the installation as Junior Warden of the Stewards’ Lodge in further recognition of Pauls’ tremendous efforts as a Steward and future expectations of the Provincial Grand Master.

Paul McKay’s Masonic journey has been distinguished and extensive. Initiated into Lord Warkworth Lodge No. 1879 on March 14, 2012, McKay went on to join the Northumbrian Masters Lodge No. 3477 on May 31, 2017, and was a founder of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland No. 9981 on January 11, 2020. His journey continued with his joining Viking Lodge No. 7934 on October 8, 2022. His leadership roles include serving as Worshipful Master of Lord Warkworth Lodge (2017-18), Director of Ceremonies (2020-22), and Treasurer (2022-25). He is currently the Junior Warden of both the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge and Viking Lodge.

In his Royal Arch journey, McKay was exalted in Lord Warkworth RAC No. 1879 on July 18, 2013, joined Northumbrian First Principals RAC No. 3477 on May 26, 2023, and Farne RAC No. 5228 on July 28, 2023. He served as First Principal (Z) of Lord Warkworth Chapter (2019-22) and is currently the Second Principal (J). His appointments include Provincial Grand Steward on April 14, 2020, and promotion to Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies on April 11, 2023.

In other Masonic Orders, McKay was installed in St. Aidan Preceptory No. 469 on December 6, 2013, and conferred the Malta Degree on October 3, 2014. He joined the Northumbria Guards Preceptory No. 600 on May 13, 2016, the Preceptory of Tutelage No. 633 on June 1, 2023, and the Templar Segedunum Preceptory No. 586 on January 24, 2024. He has served as Preceptor of St. Aidan (2021-23) and was appointed Deputy Commander of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard in 2022, later promoted to Past Provincial Banner Bearer in 2023.

In the Mark degree, McKay was advanced in Amble Mark Lodge No. 780 on May 27, 2015, and in the Royal Ark Mariner degree, he was elevated in Ashington Lodge of RAM No. 890 on March 7, 2024.

The installation ceremony was a testament to the dedication and excellence within the Freemasonry community, celebrating the achievements and commitment of its members.