The Lodge Room at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall was packed with brethren filling every seat and temporary seat that could be safely squeezed in.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Ian Craigs, expressed his delight and pride that our Province will soon have a Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge explaining that the newly appointed Provincial Grand Stewards will start performing their duties at the AGM on 29thNovember.
Northumbrian Masters Lodge will be the Mother Lodge of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge when it is consecrated early next year. The Provincial Grand Master has asked WBro Kevin Stannard, who has been instrumental in setting up the new Lodge on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, to be the founding Master of the Lodge. Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro David Armstrong, will be the founding Senior Warden.

At the close of the investiture WBro Kevin Stannard addressed the brethren to briefly explain how the new Lodge would work. The Lodge will be a working Lodge and the Provincial Grand Stewards will be responsible for organising the annual meetings of the Craft and the Chapter as well as supporting Grand Officers when they are representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master on official masonic duties.
Keep checking back for updates on plans for the new Lodge and look out for our new Provincial Grand Stewards as they perform their duties across the Province.