Northumberland Freemasons Tee Off In Inter-Province Joseph Miller Cup

03rd October 2022

 The Joseph Miller Cup, the Annual Golf match between Northumberland Freemasons and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham took place at Blyth Golf Club last week with a total of 20 golfers participating in what can only be described as “Duck Friendly Weather”, with even the ducks sheltering from the wind and rain.

Golfers from each province gathered on Friday afternoon, despite the terrible weather conditions, to be greeted with Bacon Rolls and a hot coffee before heading out into the torrential rain to battle it out. As the weather was so bad and the course conditions poor the decision to only play the competition over 10 holes was greatly appreciated.

After the golf, which was surprisingly played with great enthusiasm, the golfers enjoyed the warmth of the clubhouse and a very welcome meal of steak pie and chips, and drinks.

The scores were totalled up and, after verification from the two captains, Northumberland were declared the victors, retaining the Joseph Miller Cup for another year., with the scores recorded as

Euan Duff ( Northumberland)     140 Stableford Points

 Martin Rankin (Durham).             126 Stableford Points

In the background of the presentation photograph readers may notice that the sun was now shining and the wind had stopped, however, no one had dry clothing to attempt to play the remaining holes.

In addition a raffle was held and £100 was donated to Maggies at the Freeman Hospital.

Many thanks to W.Bros Eric Longstaff and Gary Breach for the submission of this article.

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