Monday 18th September saw an incredible twenty members of the Northumberland District of the Antient and Accepted Rite, more commonly known as the Rose Croix, head to Supreme Council Headquarters at Duke Street, London, to witness the ceremony of 8 recipients receiving their 30th Deg. honours.
From left to right the recipients were Tony Pesarra of St Wilfrid Chapter, which meets at Haltwhistle Masonic Hall, Ken Aldred of Severus Chapter, which meets at Throckley Masonic Hall, Stephen Matchett of Prudhoe Castle Chapter,which meets at Wylam Masonic Hall, Ron Farrar of Wudcestre Chapter, which meets at Ashington Masonic Hall, Mike McHale of St Oswald Chapter, which meets at Whitley Bay Masonic Hall, Maurice Boyd of Royal Kent Chapter, which meets at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, Tony Carlisle of St Albans Chapter, which meets at Shiremoor Masonic Hall and Henry Cowie of Cramlington Chapter, which meets at Cramlington Masonic Hall.
Of particular interest is that the photograph was taken in Supreme Grand Chapter, with the nine vacant seats behind the members being where the Supreme Council members would normally be seated.
Congratulations from everyone in Northumberland Freemasons to the recipients on their well deserved appointments.
Are you interested in joining the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Rose Croix in the District of Northumberland? if so contact head over to https://northumberlandrosecroix.org/contact-us/ to find out more. Candidates for the order must have been initiated in a Lodge under UGLE, have been a Master Mason for at least one full year and profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith with a declaration being signed. The District of Northumberland comprises of 15 Chapters located within the Craft Provincial boundary of Northumberland. Chapters generally meet three times a year between September and May and evenings are completed with a traditional festive board.
If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk