Northumberland Freemasons Actions Speak Louder Than Words

18th March 2022

With the imminent signing of the Armed Forces Covenant, Northumberland Freemasons proved that they were more than just words when they recently made a very generous donation to Blesma. 

At the recent Provincial Priory of Malta Annual Meeting in Northumberland members of the order, who are also the Trustees of the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund, took the opportunity to hijack the meeting and present a cheque for £10000 to Em.Kgt Ian Harper, the Director of Independence and Wellbeing at Blesma, along with a further cheque for £300 from the Provincial Priory of Northumberland.

Receiving no government funding, Blesma was founded in the aftermath of the First World War, and is dedicated to serving and ex-Service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, or an eye or loss of sight. Find out more about the essential service provided by Blesma at

Ian Harper said “It was a real privilege and honour to receive, at the hands of the Provincial Prior of Northumberland, such a generous donation of support for our limbless servicemen and women of Blesma.  The money will be put to very good use in helping those in time of need and distress retain their dignity, independence and wellbeing.  I know the kind words and generosity shown by the brother Knights of Northumberland will go a long way to help those who have given so much to feel recognised, appreciated and belong”.

Kevin Stannard, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the Craft and Provincial Prior for Northumberland, and a Trustee of the Richard Henry Holmes Masonic Benevolent Fund, explained “The Provincial Grand Lodge and the Provincial Priory of Northumberland are delighted to support this very important military charity. As a nation, we owe our military personnel so much, and the ex-servicemen who are cared for by Blesma have suffered life changing injuries to protect our freedoms. It is an honour to be able to repay, albeit in a small way, our debt of gratitude, and to let them know that their sacrifice is fully appreciated by us all and that we will never forget it”.  

Already a member of the Craft and interested in The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta? Head over to

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