United Grand Lodge of England, in 2018 launched a fantastic online learning and development resource tool called Solomon.
Solomon is devoted to the Craft and Royal Arch. It is organised into three categories:
– Seek & Learn: for individual exploration or presentation.
– Share & Encourage: for use by lodges and chapters.
– Support & Promote: for Provinces and Districts.

Craft Resources
You’ll not find any scissors or glue here only useful documents such as toast lists, lectures etc. Can’t find what you’re looking for then get in touch.

Northumberland Demonstration Team
Bringing to life a Lodge Meeting with a Degree Ceremony as performed in 1823 the Northumberland Masonic Demonstration Team invite you to have a peep into the historic past and enjoy a unique Masonic experience. Performed in costume and regalia of the period the Northumberland Demonstration Team enact a first degree or third degree ceremony both of which are somewhat different to how we know them today.

Royal Arch Information Group
The Royal Arch Chapter Information Group specialise in giving an informative introductory presentation, ‘Darkness to Light’ in Craft Lodges across the province. A masons journey cannot be considered complete until you have been exalted as a Companion of the Royal Arch

Royal Arch Resources
That all important toast list and other useful documents for the royal arch. Can’t find what you’re looking for then get in touch.

Support Plan
All support begins with a plan or roadmap to self-sufficiency which details the specific support that the Support Team can provide and outlines what the Lodge will do to develop during this period. This action plan is agreed by lodge members, Reporting Grand Officer and members of the support team and is used throughout the period of support to monitor the lodge’s progress to self-sufficiency.
If you’re looking for support please get in touch and download the support plan.