Members’ Pathway Scheme Well Received

06th May 2023

 The latest developments in the Members’ Pathway Chartermark initiatives were outlined and discussed at a well-attended seminar for Lodge Membership Officers and Mentors, held recently at the Grand Hotel, Gosforth.

W. Bro Dr Greg Smith, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, introduced the session by restating the aims of the Members’ Pathway, to ensure that our meetings are enjoyed by all, losses are stemmed and our membership continues to grows. The floor was then opened up to W.Bros Gary Breach and David Stockdale, the Provincial Grand Membership Officer and Provincial Grand Mentor respectively, who:-

1: outlined the role of the Chartermark Initiative in encouraging and supporting Lodges to integrate the Scheme into their everyday practices;

2: presented new Candidates Guides and other materials;

3; outlined future plans including a new website and marketing initiatives for Pathway relating to very local, targeted campaigns;

4: outlined plans for the Archway Scheme, which intends to do for the Chapter, what Pathway does for The Craft.

There has been a lot of hard work done to develop the Chartermark initiative and much remains to be done to implement it fully both within Province and within individual Lodges. Yesterday’s event demonstrated that there is plenty of enthusiasm and experience to do both.

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