Malcolm Byrnes Monumental Charity Donations

06th July 2023

The beginning of May saw W.Bro Malcolm Byrne once again on his travels, presenting lectures and raising huge amounts of money for charity, which he has undertaken for many decades.

On this occasion the members and guests of Belvedere Lodge No.6558, which meets at Whitley Bay Masonic Hall, were treated to a presentation on the Second World War.

Malcolm has been, and continues to be, a fantastic servant to the Province, not only by using his skills in connection with the making of the wands used by the Provincial Grand Stewards during their visits and the recent repairs to one of the Provincial Standards, but more so for that range of Lectures he delivers.

Malcolm was initiated into Freemasonry when he joined Faraday Lodge No.4852, which met at Byker Masonic Hall, prior to its sad demise in 2018 when he joined Lord Collingwood Lodge NO.3246. He occupied the Masters Chair of Faraday Lodge on three occasions and was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon2004, receiving subsequent promotion to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 2010, before being acknowledged in United Grand Lodge with appointment to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Malcolm has been providing lectures, predominantly to Masonic Lodges in Northumberland and Durham, but also to the Rotary Probus, U3A and the Round Table,  for well over thirty years, during which time he has raised well in excess of an incredible £100000. 

These monies have bene donated to numerous essential causes including the Great North Air Ambulance, Willowburn Hospice, the Red Cross, Daft as a Brush, Northumbria Blood Bikes, Newcastle Hospital Charities, Salvation Army, St Oswalds Hospice, MacMillan Cancer Support, Under the Bridge, Bright Red, and SSAFA.

Congratulations to Malcolm on what can only be described as a selfless act of generosity over many many years. Northumberland Freemasons are eternally grateful and very proud of all you do.

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