Lord Warkworth Lodge Raises Friends And Family

13th August 2022

Since Freemasonry recommenced in September 2021, after a two-year hiatus, Lord Warkworth Lodge No.1879, which meets at Amble Masonic Hall, has had steady success in attracting new candidates. With two candidates from the Membership Pathways Scheme and a further three via members friends and family, this has left the new Master, Robert Harmer, his first time in office in his fiftieth year as a Freemason, in the enviable position of having to juggle double Initiations, single Initiations, double Second and Third degree ceremonies, all whilst having to guide and assist three members into positions in office they have never held before.

The August meeting witnessed the second double Second Degree ceremony in the last 3 meetings, including a nice family twist with the Senior Deacon, Chris Connor, and one of the candidates, Cameron Wintrip, being cousins, however the family ties don’t end there with Chris’ father and Cameron’s uncle, Ivor Connor, the Junior Deacon of the Lodge, not being present due to work commitments, along with another member Grant Connor.

In a packed to the rafters building a very enjoyable Masonic evening was enjoyed by all.

Looking to the future, things are looking very rosey for Lord Warkworth Lodge, as it prepares to undertake a further double Third Degree ceremony, followed by two individual Third Degree ceremonies, in addition to an Initiation ceremony.

Anyone wishing to attend and dine at any of these meetings, and help to support what is quite clearly a very thriving Lodge, please either email lordwarkworth1879@gmail.com or contact the treasurer, Paul McKay, via Messenger or on 07368 264798 to book a meal.

Many thanks to W.Bro Paul Mckay and Bro. Chris Connor for the submission of this article. 

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