Lodge Palatine Show A Lot Of Heart With Donation To Local Charity

22nd October 2021

Lodge Palatine No.5345, which meets at Bedlington Masonic Hall, have supported the Children’s Heart Unit Foundation (CHUF) to continue with its essential work with a donation to the tune of £365. 

The Children’s Heart Unit Foundation’s (CHUF) vision is to support pioneering services that will positively impact heart families, inspire hope and enable Heart Heroes to reach their full potential. CHUF supports children and families who receive treatment at the Children’s Heart Unit based at the Freeman Hospital and the many other hospitals providing care for cardiac patients throughout the North of England. CHUF raises vital funds for large and small pieces of equipment, facilities, aftercare, salaries and research. 

CHUF’s charitable activities go far beyond that of providing medical equipment and personnel. The Charity provides holistic care to the children by providing services and facilities that allow Heart Heroes to develop their skills and mature as any healthy child normally would.

The donation was the proceeds of the raffle, held at the lodge, on the occasion of one of its members, W.Bro Gordon Craigs, investiture as Assistant Provincial Grand Master, in August. 

Gordon explained “I have a connection to CHUF as, when he was 5 weeks old, my grandson Finn underwent open heart surgery at the Freemen hospital to repair several holes in his heart. CHUF provided fantastic support to my family when Finn was in hospital and continue to do so for other families in a similar situation. Examples of the work they do includes providing vouchers towards the cost of food in the hospital restaurant to purchasing medical equipment costing many thousands of pounds.

To raise funds for CHUF, my son in law has done the Great North Run and earlier this year he took part in a fire walk in the centre of Newcastle.” 

Congratulations to the brethren of Lodge Palatine, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, on showing one of the true virtues of Freemasonry. Charity. 

Many thanks to W.Bro Gordon Craigs for the submission of this article. 

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