Lodge Almoner And Charity Stewards Workshop

05th September 2023

Following on from the very successful workshop for Treasurers, which was organised by the Provincial Learning & Development Team, a workshop session for Lodge Almoners and Charity Stewards was held on Saturday 2 September.

Shiremoor Masonic Hall was packed to the rafters with over 70 delegates, attending to hear presentations from Norman West, the Provincial Grand Almoner, who detailed how much the Province benefits from Masonic Charity, followed by Jeff Ormston, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, who discussed the various ways of donating and the responsibility that the whole membership has to support continued charitable giving.

A live demonstration was given highlighting just how easy it is to donate using modern technology and Stewart Cairns, the Provincial Grand Secretary, provided a fascinating insight into the life of Richard Henry Holmes, and details of the Benevolent Fund in his name which the Province still benefits from over 100 years later.

The session was complimented by the bacon butties kindly provided by the members of the Shiremoor building and a good morning was had by all.

The Learning and Development Team are hosting several sessions for key Lodge Officers which are designed to help to keep them up to date with the next session concentrating on the role of the Secretary/Scribe E. Keep your eyes peeled for the invitations which will be coming soon.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, please get in touch with the Provincial Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk