Ladies Night Supports Macmillan Cancer Support

23rd August 2022

You may remember we recently reported on W.Bro John Tomlin’s Ladies Night, held at the Holiday Inn Newcastle, Seaton Burn. 

The event organised by John, of Viking Lodge No.7934, and his good lady, saw just under 100 members, family and friends come together to celebrate and enjoy good food and company during the evening. 

The raffle, held on the evening, was in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, after the passing of W.Bro Colin Deighton, who had lately been presented with a certificate celebrating 50 years of service to the Craft. Macmillan Cancer Support helps everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, providing physical, financial and emotional support. Find out more about the essential work undertaken by Macmillan Cancer Support at

Recently John, in company of his wife, and W.Bro Greg Smith, had the pleasure of presenting a cheque from the proceeds of the raffle, an amazing £1100, to staff of MacMillan Cancer Support at Morpeth Masonic Hall. 

John explained “At the time when Julia and I were giving thought as to who would be the beneficiaries of the Raffle at the Viking Lodge Ladies Night our dear friend and a dear friend of many Freemasons, Colin Deighton, sadly died and speaking to Colin’s niece she couldn’t praise the visiting MacMillan Nurses enough for the dedicated and wonderful care that they had given to Colin during his final days. Our decision was instantly made, the proceeds of the Raffle would go to the MacMillan Nurses, and it was very clear from the generosity of those who attended the Ladies Night that they fully agreed with that choice”

Many thanks to W.Bro John Tomlin for the submission of this article.

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