Homelyn Lodge No.6075 Turns The Air Blue

13th May 2023

Wednesday April 19, at Ashington Masonic Hall. saw a large contingent of Light Blues, from across the Province, descend on Homelyn Lodge., receiving a very warm welcome

The evening commenced with the Lodge being opened, after which the visiting Light Blues formally entered, were greeted by the Worshipful Master, and took their seat. The objective of their visit was to attend a presentation by WBro John Warham, in connection with the Grand Lodge of the Ancients.

The presentation was fascinating, as it detailed masonic history and the influence of the Grand Lodge of the Ancients on present-day rituals. Special to the presentation was that John showed that any organisation of people tends to diversify and requires regular attention to avoid a permanent split. The art of organisation management is to avoid too much interference but also to prevent different factions from floating too far apart.

For those recently initiated into Freemasonry, presentations like these are an eye-opener and essential to understanding the background of the Craft in particular, and human organisation in general.

The subsequent festive board was of a high quality and a show of brotherly love, for which Freemasonry is so well known.

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