Donation Provides A Breath Of Fresh Air For Northumberland Community Enterprise

01st August 2021

A £1000 donation from Northumberland Freemasons, via the Richard Henry Holmes Benevolent Fund, has allowed Northumberland Community Enterprise Ltd, to continue to offer much needed support to residents of Stobhill.

The charity, funded solely by charitable donations, supports the local community by making friendly phone calls, completing DIY jobs and offering assistance in anything else that is required by residents who are elderly, vulnerable or disadvantaged. Their team of temporary volunteers assist in the office whilst gaining valuable work experience, voluntary dedication and enhancing their Curriculem Vitaes.

Recently, an area behind their office, which consisted of a number of garages and attracted anti-social behaviour from younger residents, was donated by Karbon Homes and transformed into a fenced urban garden, consisiting of planters, a bench, potting tables and bird accesories. The donation, from Northumberland Freemasons, was used to further purchase an automatic canopy shelter, chairs, benches and activity tables, which are being used to encourage members of the community, some of whom haven’t been out since November last year, back into society by joining in gardening activities, or just for a cuppa and a chat. Ultimately this is to assist them to interact with the outside world and other residents after such a long time.

Sarah Robinson, the Community Coordinator at Stobhill Link, said “A massive thank you to everyone at Northumberland Freemasons. Our volunteers are truly delighted with the covered seating area and we hope to use it all year round”.

Stuart Cairns, the Secretary to the Trustees of the Richard Henry Holmes Benevolent Fund, explained “Northumberland Community Enterprise is a charity organisation based in the Stobhill area of Morpeth. It runs various services and activities aimed at improving the lives of local residents. The Charity owns a private garden area to the rear of the premises and wanted to make it available to those local residents who were feeling vulnerable and isolated. The challenge was that they had no equipment to furnish that garden. The Trustees were made aware of that challenge and were delighted to award a Grant of £1,000 towards the cost of installing that much needed garden furniture.”

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