Final push (bike) by Kevin for the 2020 Festival.

15th February 2020

This article was kindly provided by W.Bro Kevin Maughan.

Over the Easter Bank  Holiday weekend the Worshipful Master of St Peters Lodge No.481 which meets at Maple Terrace Masonic Hall, Kevin Maughan, will attempt to cycle to every Masonic building in the province, commencing in Berwick on Friday 10th April,  via the Provincial Office in Gosforth, and finishing at Haltwhistle on Sunday 12th April. This mammoth task will involve Kevin cycling somewhere in the region of 300 kilometres. 

Kevin told us “Throughout the journey I will be pausing to take photographs at each building and it would be great if I could be joined by some brethren from the temple at each checkpoint.” 

Kevin also asked that if any brethren wishes to accompany him on part, or even all, of his epic journey they should contact him direct on the email address below.

The objective of his challenge is, of course, to raise funds for the 2020 festival. 

Show your support for Kevin as he cycles his way through the Northumberland countryside by making contact, by email, with Kevin on for full sponsorship details, or see the posters circulated to all the buildings in the province and the lodge secretaries.

Kevin’s proposed route is in the photographs attached and he will be updating us with his expected arrival times, which we will publish, nearer to the ride date.
Have you got a good news story? contact us direct, via the Provincial website or social media pages, where one of the team will get back to you.