A fifty year certificate celebration in the Craft is no mean feat, but fifty years in the Rose Croix is a celebration not often encountered, or to be missed.
On Friday 22nd October 2021, the members of Royal Kent Chapter No.8 of the Antient and Accepted Rite, which meets at Fern Avenue Masonic Building, were delighted to receive the Inspector General for the District of Northumberland, Very Illustrious Brother Stephen Read 33°, when he attended to present Doug McMeekan with a Certificate from Supreme Council to mark fifty years of devoted service to the Order.
One of the most respected senior masons in the Province, Douglas has been a Freemason for 65 years and holds Grand Rank in all of the Orders of which he is a member.
Having enjoyed his 87th birthday only three days earlier, the Certificate presentation capped a busy week of celebration with his family and with his Brethren in the Rose Croix Order.
Doug was perfected into St Gabriel Chapter Rose Croix No.388, which meets at Byker Masonic Hall, on 14th January 1971, where he was a member until May 2014. During his membership he worked his way through the ranks and was Enthroned as MWS in 1986, subsequently receiving his 30° honour in 1987. He joined Royal Kent Chapter rose Croix No. 8 on 26th February 1993 and received the Higher Degree Honour 31° on the 16th October 2000, recommended by George Newton Fletcher 33° IG, and a further Honour of 32° on 16th November 2013, under Michael Daws 33° IG. He has written a history of Royal Kent Chapter Rose Croix and is widely accepted as a leading authority on the Royal Kent Encampmnt in general.
Thanks go to Ill.Bro Kevin Stannard 30° and V.Ill.Bro Stephen Read 33°. IG for the submission of this article.
Interested in finding out more about the Rose Croix? Head over to https://northumberlandmasons.org.uk/freemasonry/other-masonic-orders/rose-croix/
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