Golden Jubilee Celebrations For Gordon Arrel

12th February 2021

Today we belatedly help the members of Doric Lodge No.5360, which meets at Corbridge Road Masonic Building, to celebrate 50 years of uninterrupted service in the Craft for one of its members, W.Bro. Gordon Arrel

W.Bro. Jeff Gibbs, the Secretary of Doric Lodge, recently visited Gordon, and presented him with his certificate for 50 years of meritorious, uninterrupted service and membership of the Craft.

Gordon was initiated into Freemasonry, in the Lodge of Friendship No.6675 on 5th January 1971, having been proposed by his father-in-law, Bro. Bill Nicholson. The Lodge was erased in 2009, forcing Gordon to become a joining member of the Lodge of Security No.7299, which was also forced to close, before joining Doric Lodge in January 2018.

Gordon was Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Friendship on three separate occasions in 1990, 1996 and 2002 and also took the office of Secretary and Director of Ceremonies. Whilst a member of Lodge of Security he held the offices of Tyler and Chaplain. On joining Doric Lodge he immediately became Chaplain, an office he still currently holds.

In the Province he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar in 1998 and promoted to Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 2008.

Gordon joined the Chapter of Security No.7299 in June 1993 and remained a Companion until November 2017.

Away from Freemasonry Gordon married Sheila in 1968 and they have a son, Karl, who became his brother when he was initiated into the Lodge of Friendship in 1992, as a Lewis. He too became Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

Gordon served in the Royal Navy for over 20 years and retired as an Asset Manager for the NHS and used to play golf. Due to his naval service he was unable to take office in the lodge for some 19 years.

He has been unable to attend Doric Lodge for some 18 months now but is hopeful of returning to Freemasonry in the very near future.

Congratulations to Gordon on attaining 50 years of uninterrupted service in Freemasonry from all at the Provincial Communications Team.

Thanks go to W.Bro. Jeff Gibbs for the submission of this article.

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