Fifty Not Out For Brother Tommy

13th October 2021

Congratulations to Bro. Tommy Tweddle of St Peters Lodge No.481, which meets at Maple Terrace Masonic Building, on reaching fifty not out in Freemasonry.

Tommy was initiated into Freemasonry in June 1970, into the now erased Cricketers Lodge No.7508 and in 2014 he joined St Peters Lodge and has thoroughly enojyed his Freemasonry, from the sidelines, for the duration of his membership. He was rewarded for his devotion to Freemasonry when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Steward, within the Province.

Away from Freemasonry Tommy was a big speedway fan in his early days and is still a fan to this day. He served his time as an electrician for Carnigies and worked at Watson Norie also as an electrician. From 1954 to 1956 Tommy was conscripted into the R.A.F. and rose to the rank of Senior Aircraftsman. He subsequently joined Vickers Armstrong as an electrician as well as working for Excelsior Electric Servicers on alarms.. In 1977 he worked at the Freeman Hospital.

Congratulations to Tommy on achieveing fifty years of uninterupted service in the Craft. We wish you a continued enjoyment in the Craft for many years to come.

Thanks go to W.Bros Phil Brown, Dave McClen and John Giroy, all of St Peters Lodge, for the submission of this article..

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