Congratulations to the two recipients of long service certificates to the Craft, at Delaval Lodge No. 2568, which meets at Maple Terrace Masonic Hall.
First up is W.Bro.Arthur Brian Ekin, who was initiated into, the now erased, Lodge Prudence No.3424, in November 1961, where he remained a member until its erasure in 1991, when he joined Fenham Lodge No.4019, where he again remained a member until its erasure in 2011, finally joining Delaval Lodge No.2568, where he remains a member ot this day. He took the masters chair in Lodge Prudence in 1990, undertook the Secretarial duties of Fenham Lodge from 1993 to 1997, and was the Lodge Mentor in Delaval Lodge from 2012 to 2017. In 1997 he was honoured, in Provincial Grand Lodge, with appointment to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar.
Away from Freemasonry Brian is a retired Company Director and the President of the Jaguar Owners Club. He has a life long passion for the Marquee and is a regular attender of shows at various arenas around the country, travelling to them in one of the number of Jaguars that he owns. When attending Delaval Lodge Brian drives for 3 hours, undertaking the 150 mile journey from Cheshire, which he used to complete in a day, but now has a far more sedate journey, stopping over, prior to returning home.
Next we honour the service provided by W.Bro Brian Rudd, to both the Craft and the Royal Arch Chapter, within this Province.
Brian was initiated into Freemasonry, in June 1971, into Delaval Lodge, becoming a joining member of Northumbrian Masters Lodge No.3477, which meets at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, in 2008, retaining membership until his resignation in 2018. He has been the Master of Delaval Lodge on three seperate occasions in 1981, 1993 and finally 2021. He has also held the offices of Secretary for three years, Treasurer for eleven years and Director of Ceremonies for four years.
He was honoured for all his work on the Craft with appointment to the rank of Past Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar, in Provincial Grand Lodge, in 1990, subsequently receiving promotion to Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 1994, Assistant Provincial Grand Master from 2007 to 2012 and finally Provincial Grand Secretary from 2012 to 2018. He was honoured In Grand Lodge when he was appointed to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and subsequently promoted to Past Senior Grand Deacon, on becoming Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province.
Brian was exalted into John George Gibson Royal Arch Chapter No.2929, in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, in 1982, resigning his membership in 1995 when he became a joining member of Duke of Connaught Royal Arch Chapter No.3892, holding the office of Most Excellent on two seperate occasions in 1999 and 2001.
He was honoured in Provincial Grand Chapter when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Sojourner in 2005, being promoted to Grand Scribe Ezra in 2012. His service to the Royal Arch Chapter was acknowledged in 2010 when he was appointed to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer, in Supreme Grand Chapter, before being prmoted to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Sojourner, in 2019.
In his professional life Brian was a very successful Sales Manager.
Thanks go to W.Bro Nev Johnson of Delaval Lodge for the submission iof this article.
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