W Bro Malcolm Smith PPSGW was presented with his 50, yes 50 years membership of Freemasonry certificate by W Bro Brian Rudd PSGD PAPGM Provincial Grand Secretary. This is a truly amazing length of service to Freemasonry, W Bro Malcolm has worked tirelessly for both St John`s and his other Lodge, Lodge of Remembrance No 6319, occupying many posts throughout the fifty years of which he has been a member. He is also well known for his informative Masonic and Historic Talks not only in Lodges but to many Societies and Organisations. The celebration continued at the festive board which was packed to the rafters and many of the members and visitors paid their own tributes to Malcolm by way of thanks for the many occasions he had assisted in the Lodges he regularly visits.
W Bro Malcolm Smith with his 50 year certificate
That was not all however, as our Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Brian Rudd gave a synopsis of the Masonic career of another member who had served the Lodge in a meritorious way for 49 years, and empowered under the of the instruction of the RW Provincial Grand Master Ian Craigs, proceeded to promote W Bro William Errington ,Lodge Secretary, to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, recognising his dedication and commitment to his Llodge and Province. W Bro`s Smith and Errington were saluted individually and the assembled brethren warmly acknowledged their achievements.
W Bro William Errington congratulated by W Bro Brian Rudd on his promotion
A truly special and memorable night for all those who were fortunate enough to be present.