Craft Grand Rank Honours For Northumberland Freemasons

26th April 2023

Today Northumberland Freemasons congratulate W.Bros Gary Breach, Wayne Brunton, Nick Deakin, Paul Ryder and David Stockdale on their well-deserved appointments to Grand Rank within the Craft.

W.Bro Gary Breach was initiated into Freemasonry when he joined Dudley Lodge No.5425, which meets at Cramlington Masonic Hall, in November 2010, occupying the Masters Chair in 2016. He subsequently joined Gavel Lodge No.8928 in 2019, and became Master of the Lodge in 2022. He is currently the Membership Officer for Dudley Lodge and the Master and Almoner of Gavel Lodge. He became the Founding Director of Ceremonies of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland No.9981 in 2020, an office he still occupies. Gary was invited to become a joining member of Lodge Sine Nomine No.10000, which meets at Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, in 2022 and was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge when he received appointment to Past Provincial Grand Steward in 2018, receiving subsequent promotion to Provincial Grand Membership Officer in 2020. Alongside our Provincial Grand Mentor, Gary is responsible for implementing the Members’ Pathway, and is also a member of the Provincial Futures Group.

Gary was exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter in April 2016, when he joined Servavi Chapter No.6105, which meets at Morpeth Masonic Hall, becoming Z in 2021. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Chapter, this year, when he was appointed to the parallel rank of Provincial Grand Membership Officer.

Gary has been appointed in Grand Lodge to the office of Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

W.Bro Wayne Brunton was initiated into Freemasonry when he joined Ocianus Lodge No.8329, which meets at Throckley Masonic Hall, in September 1996, occupying the Chair of Master on three occasions in 2003, 2007 and 2014. He is currently the Director of Ceremonies, an office he has held since 2016. Wayne was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge in 2012, when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar, before receiving subsequent promotions to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 2015, Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 2017 and finally to Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2019.

Wayne was exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter in March 2018, when he joined Chapter De Swinburne No.24, which meets at Byker Masonic Hall, where he is currently Scribe Nehmiah.

Wayne has been appointed in Grand Lodge to Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

W.Bro Nick Deakin was initiated into Freemasonry when he joined Hotspur Lodge No.1626, which meets at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, in April 2008 where he occupied the Masters Chair in 2013, prior to joining the Insurance and Banking Lodge of Northumbria No.3886, where he once again became Worshipful Master in 2021. He is currently the Director of Ceremonies and Charity Steward of the Lodge. In 2020 he became the Founding Junior Warden of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland No.9981 and currently occupies the office of Senior Warden, having recently been elected Master Elect, to be installed in June this year. Nick was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge in 2018, when he received appointment to Past Provincial Grand Steward, receiving subsequent promotion in 2020, to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Provincial Grand Communications Officer, having been a member of the Communications Team since 2015, and again in 2022 to Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, whilst still occupying the office of Provincial Grand Communications Officer. Nick also sits on the Provincial Futures Group.

Nick was exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter in December 2010, when he joined Ridley Chapter No.2260, occupying the Chair of Z in 2015, prior to joining De Loraine Chapter No.541 in 2016, where he became Z in 2021. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Chapter in 2020, when he was appointed to the rank of Provincial Grand Standard Bearer, receiving subsequent promotion this year, to the parallel rank of Provincial Grand Communications Officer and Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. He also sits on the Provincial Chapter Working Group.

He has been appointed in Grand Lodge to Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

W.Bro Paul Ryder was initiated into Freemasonry when he joined Hotspur Lodge No.1626, in October 1998, becoming Master in 2005. He has been the Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge since 2013, an office he still holds. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge in 2015 when he was appointed to the rank of Provincial Junior Grand Deacon, receiving subsequent promotion in 2019, to Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

Paul was exalted into the Royal Arch Chapter in March 2006, when he joined Ridley Chapter No.2260, occupying the Chair of Z in 2011. He carried out the duties of Director of Ceremonies from 2014 to 2021 and is currently Scribe E. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Chapter, in 2016, when he was appointed to the office of Provincial Grand Sojourner, receiving subsequent promotion to Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehmiah in 2020 and then to Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals in 2022. Paul also sits on the Provincial Chapter Working Group.

Paul has been appointed in Grand Lodge to Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

W.Bro David Stockdale was initiated into Freemasonry in May 2008, when he joined Duke of Connaught Lodge No.3892. David was involved in establishing Duke of Connaught Lodge as a Universities Scheme Lodge. In 2009 David joined Oriental Lodge No. 9371 and in 2016, he became a member of St Gabriel Lodge No. 2995, which is the Mother Lodge of Oriental. David was the Founding Secretary of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Northumberland No.9981 which was consecrated in 2020, an office he still holds. In 2022 David was invited to become a first joiner of Lodge Sine Nomine No. 10000 and is one of only 5 Lodges administered directly by United Grand Lodge of England. David joined Gavel Lodge No. 8928 in 2022. He is currently the Director of Ceremonies and Membership Officer of Oriental Lodge, and Lodge Mentor of St Gabriel Lodge. David occupied the office of Master in 2018, in both Oriental Lodge and St Gabriel Lodge and was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Lodge in 2018 when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Steward and Provincial Marketing Officer, after several years working as a member of the Provincial Communications Team. David was promoted to Provincial Grand Mentor in 2021 and alongside our Provincial Grand Membership Officer, is responsible for implementing the Members’ Pathway. David also sits on the Futures Group, a standing committee of the Province tasked with planning for the future of Freemasonry in Northumberland.

In the Royal Arch Chapter, David was exalted into Oriental Chapter in June 2009, serving in the office of Treasurer for 11 years. He subsequently joined Carville Chapter No. 2497 in 2010. David currently occupies the office of H in both Oriental Chapter and Carville Chapter. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Chapter in 2018 when he was appointed to Provincial Grand Steward, receiving subsequent promotion this year to Provincial Grand Mentor.

David has been appointed in Grand Lodge to Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

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