Coquetdale Lodge Burns Night

11th May 2023

The most recent meeting of Coquetdale Lodge No.5122, which meets in Alnwick Masonic Hall, welcomed brethren from England and Scotland as they held their annual Burns Night, before people say anything, they’ve always celebrated it in April.

The meeting, prior to the festivities, was a quick business meeting, as there were esteemed guests waiting to entertain the Brethren with the traditional Burns Night fayre and festivities. 

The Team consisted of Ian Fallas, of Lodge St Luke No.132 in Lauder, who presented the Immortal Memory, Rob Coburn , of Lodge Nunse No.23 in Duns, who presented the First Turn Ode to a Mouse, and then the song, Jim Bell, of Lodge St John No.280 in Coldstream and John Grey, of Farne & Glendale Lodge No. 5228, which meets in Seahouses Masonic Hall, who told some stories. Andy Grant, who is currently an unattached member, piped the haggis in and undertook the Address to the Haggis, and was subsequently proposed as a joining member of Coquetdale Lodge. Andy is a Past Master of Heart of Glendale Lodge No.4005, which recently amalgamated with Farne Lodge.

Brethren present highly recommend this meeting to any of the brethren in the Province and stated that it certainly wouldn’t be their last time attending.

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