Help Duke of Connaught Lodge Celebrate a Year of Virtual Lockdown Meetings

10th April 2021

Are you still in lockdown? Are you free at 830pm on 15th April 2021?

If the answer to both these questions is “Yes” why not come along and help Duke of Connaught Lodge No.3892, which normally meets at Wallsend Masonic Building, to celebrate 52 consecutive weeks of virtual meetings during the suspension of Masonic activity.

Richard Erskine, the Worshipful Master of Duke of Connaught Lodge, explained “At the start of the first lockdown, in March 2020, it was obvious that it was going to last for several months and, with it not being possible to physically meet, it was decided that we should organise meetings virtually via Zoom.

The original intention was to meet once per month, however, It became apparent during our first meeting that this would not be enough so the decision was made to host it weekly. Never did we think that we would hit the landmark of one year”.

Since then the Lodge have had a great turnout from the brethren and have regular visitors, with their brethren joining in from all over the world including Finland, USA, France, Greece, Angola, Brazil, Nigeria and even from as far afield as Wales!!!

The meeting has no specific agenda and is it is there for whatever the brethren want, or need, to talk about. The meetings regularly continue until after midnight and at 9.30pm, each week, the discussions are briefly suspended in order to toast the absent brethren using the Rudyard Kipling poem.

The Lodge have been able to support their brethren, avoiding apathy and keeping everyone motivated, and have been so popular that it has been discussed about continuing to hold the meetings, after the resumption of Masonic activity, for the members who work offshore or live abroad and who cannot make all the meetings in order that they can still join with their fellow brethren.

They have celebrated birthdays, weddings and engagements together, sent get well messages to sick brethren to support them during difficult situations and promoted laughing and joking together, pulling each others legs regularly, to help promote the mental wellbeing of the membership.

The meetings have kept the Lodge together and it has been commented on that they are closer now than before lockdown and look forward to when they can all meet again safely to continue their Masonic journeys and brotherly friendship.

If you are interested in joining the Duke of Connaught virtual meeing, and helping them celebrate a year of continued Masonic friendship and support, then please make contact with the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro Stuart Heather, at, who will be more than happy to supply the log on details..

Thanks go to W.Bro Richard Erskine for the submission of this article.

Duke of Connaught Lodge is a member of the United Grand Lodge of Englands University Scheme and is implicitly linked with Northumbria University.

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason and are a student, alumni or member of staff at Northumbria University? If so get in contact with Duke of Connaught Lodge who will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry.

Congratulations to the members of Duke of Connaught Lodge on exemplifying true Masonic values through these very difficult times.

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, please get in touch with the Provincial Communications Team at