Christmas Cheer For Lodge Palatine

07th January 2023

The Christmas meeting of Lodge Palatine No.5345, which meets at Bedlington Masonic Hall, saw their newest member, Bro. Matthew Robson, undertake his Second Degree ceremony

The eagle eyed amongst you will notice that Matthew, a Pathways candidate who enquired about becoming a Freemason via our website in September last year, appeared in our recent article when the Community Engagement Team visited the North East Expo at the Newcastle Falcons Rugby Club, at Kingston Park whilst eagerly awaiting his initiation.

Being a Lodge which works the Emulation ritual, the whole Ceremony fell to the current Master, W.Bro Richardson, to perform, with Matthew more than playing his part, being exemplary with his responses to the questions, prior to the Ceremony.

Members of the Provincial Pathways Team, Gary Breach, the Provincial Membership Officer, Gavin Wales and Collin Bowman were all in attendance to support Matthew on the night, having previously met him and helping place him with Lodge Palatine.

A very convivial Festive Board then ensued, with all enjoying hearty Christmas Fayre and Carols sung, by the Lodge members and visitors alike.

Congratulations to Matthew, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, on your Masonic journey thus far and we wish you well for your Third Degree Ceremony.

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