Change At The Top For The Red Cross Of Constantine

20th February 2023

Saturday 11th February saw Byker Masonic Hall host the Installation of the new Intendant General for the Northumberland Division of the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist.

In excess of 120 members, from across the Division, as well the country, witnessed a team of Grand Officers and the Grand Sepulchre Guard from Grand Imperial Conclave, led by M.Ill.Kt Graham Flight GCC, Grand Sovereign, and R.Ill & Em.Kt Christopher John Macdonald G.C.C, Deputy Grand Sovereign, install R.Ill.Kt Trevor Fish as the new Head of the Order in Northumberland.

In addition to the entourage from Grand Imperial Conclave, Trevor was supported by ten other Intendant Generals from around in the country in the form of R.Ill.Kt Michael Baptist FROM Cheshire, R.Ill.Kt Keith Beaumont from Cumbria, R.Ill.Kt Dr. Alan Beckerton from Derbyshire, R.Ill.Kt Robin Knight from Durham, R.Ill.Kt Stephen Roberts from Lincolnshire, R.Ill.Kt Stephen Bolton from North & East Lancashire, R.Ill.Kt David J. Roach from North & East Yorkshire, who just so happens to be the R.W.G.Prec for the new Province of Northumberland & Durham in the Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon, R.Ill.Kt Ralph Hitchin of Nottinghamshire, R.Ill.Kt Alan John Baverstock of Thames and R.Ill.Kt Graham Williams of West Lancashire.

Not to be outdone, numerous Heads of Orders from the Province of Northumberland were also in attendance to lend their support, and help celebrate the day, in the guise of Kevin Stannard, the Provincial Prior for the Knights Templar and Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, Ray Walton, the Provincial Grand Master in the Mark, John Harvey, the District Grand Master in the Royal & Select Master, Stephen Read, the Inspector General, in the Rose Croix, John Warham, the Provincial Grand Master in the Royal Order of Scotland, Michael Jacques, the Provincial Grand Summus in the Scarlet Cord, and Bill Malcolm, the Deputy Grand Master Mason and Senior Passed Master in the Operatives.

Trevor explained “For many of the knights of Northumberland this morning’s ceremony will be the first installation of an Intendant General they’ve seen, for others it will be their first opportunity to witness the excellent work of the officers of GIC, our thanks to you and the officers of GIC who took part and made this a memorable occasion for the division of Northumberland. 

The direction and guidance of the Grand Marshal and his Deputies was very much appreciated and of course the Knights of the Grand Sepulchre Guard enhance any ceremony, our thanks also to the Grand Organist, music really brings a ceremony to life.”

A donation was made to the Grand Sovereigns Care for Children Fund and a gift to the Grand Sovereign of a landscape painting by Northumberland Mason Michael Scott showing Dunstanburgh Castle was well received as was the accompanying Alnwick Gin.

Congratulations to Trevor from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons on his well-deserved preferment and we wish you well for your term in office.

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