Read All About It!!! Brian Hits The Headlines With 60 Years In Freemasonry

19th April 2021

Retired newsagent W.Bro Brian White of Homelyn Lodge No.6075, which normally meets at Ashington Masonic Hall, hit the headlines today, having reached the fantastic milestone of 60 uninterupted years of service to Freemasonry.

Brian was initiated into Homelyn Lodge on 21st April 1961, becoming Master in 1973. He was promoted to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden (PProvGSW) in 1988, before being appointed to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PAGDC) in United Grand Lodge, in 1994. Brian has been the Director of Ceremonies in the Lodge for an impressive 10 years and is an honorary member of King Edward VII Lodge No.2892, which meets at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Masonic Hall.

He joined King Edward VII Royal Arch Chapter in 1964, becoming Most Excellent Z in 1976, and keeping the finances intact as Treasurer from 2018. He was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Registrar (PProvGReg) in 1981, prior to being appointed to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer (PGStB) in Supreme Grand Chapter in 1996.

In the Mark Brian was a member of Hartford Lodge of Mark Master Masons, a founder and the second Master of Newbiggin Lodge of Mark Master Masons and its Treasurer until the Lodge closed. He was appointed to the rank of Provincial Grand Junior Warden (ProvGJW), before being appointed to the rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon (PGJD), in the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

In the Allied Masonic Degrees Brian was a member of Royal Kent Council, a founding member and second Master of Napier Clavering Council, a founder and first Master of Hotspur Council and was the Deputy District Grand Prefect for District Grand Council of Northumberland and Durham, holding the rank of Past Grand Junior Warden (PGJW), from Grand Council.

In the Rose Croix he is a 30th Degree Past Most Wise Sovereign and former Treasurer of his Chapter.

Away from Freemasonry Brian worked in engineering for many years before running his own newsagents business for 15 years, prior to his retirement.

Brian explained that during his working life his main interests were his work and freemasonry, having no time for pastimes like golf or fishing and that he lives with his wife Emily, and son Mark, and now spends his time modelling sailing ships, tending to his garden and reading. Brian did however take great pains to tell us that his reading no longer included the little blue book!!!

Congratulations to Brian, from everyone in the Province, on completing 60 years in Freemasonry and we wish him all the best for the future.

Thanks go to W.Bros Paul Hudspeth and Brian White for the submission of this article.

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