Charity in Our Community
Northumberland Freemasons were delighted to have been able to provide a grant towards the purchase of a Scalp Cooling Unit…
You will be initiated into your chosen lodge, becoming an Entered Apprentice – the First Degree in Freemasonry. At initiation we are taught that we are all born equal, we learn that in life some do better than others and it is up to thiose that do well to look after the less fortunate. From this, stems our belief in the importance of Charity.
At a future metting, you will become a Fellow Craft – the Second Degree. As a Fellow Craft you are taught the importance of improving yourself as a person. Eventually, you will become a ‘Master Mason’, where you learn that we have but one life and the importance of using it wisely.
Soon after your Third Degree you will be supported to join the Royal Arch Chapter, which concludes the journey you started as an Entered Apprentice.
After the meetings, members dine together informally in order to enjoy good food, good wine and good company, and most importantly to have fun together.
Day 1 – Your enquiry is received by the Northumberland Freemasons Members’ Pathway Team.
Within 5 Days – Our Pathway Team will contact you. We will discuss interests etc. and make sure Freemasonry is right for you.
Within 3 Months – We will place your application with a lodge. Members of the lodge will arrange to meet you informally to get to know you.
Within 12 Months – You will be initiated into Freemasonry.
Beyond Initiation – After initiation you will go through your degree ceremonies and shortly after your third degree you will be supported to join the Royal Arch Chapter.