Back to Where it Belongs

21st December 2023

Assistant Grand Master, W Bro Gordon Craigs, fulfilled a long-held personal goal on a visit to the Province of Yorkshire North East earlier this month.

At their December meeting, Gordon presented Leopold Lodge, which meets in Scarborough, with a bowl, that had been a Lady’s Night gift in the 1920s.

Gordon explained that his late great grandfather, W Bro John Foreman, had been a member of the Lodge, and when Gordon’s Grandmother attended a lady’s night in the 1920s, she was given the bowl as a gift.  The bowl was then passed through the generations of Gordon’s family… to his Mother and then onto him.  Gordon has always been keen to return the bowl to the Lodge and was delighted when the opportunity came up to do just that in December.

In presenting the bowl back to the Lodge, Gordon said that he thought it ‘was now back where it belongs‘.