Another Milestone Reached By The Past Provincial Prior Of Northumberland

17th February 2022

A week after celebrating forty fantastic years of service in Knights Templar Masonry, the Past Provincial Prior for Northumberland, W.Bro Alan Hume, was at it again, this time receiving an accolade for fifty years of uninterupted service to the Craft. Before the assembled brethren of Epicure Lodge No.9618, which meets at Hexham Masonic Hall, Alan was presented with a well deserved certificate by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro Ian Craigs.

The esteemed audience included the current Provincial Prior for Northumberland, V.W.Bro Kevin Stannard, the Provincial Vice Chancellor, W.Bro David Armstrong, and the Intendant General for the Red Cross of Constantine in Northumberland, W.Bro Michael Daws.

Alan was initiated into Freemasonry in Priory Lodge No.1863 in January 1972, becoming a joining member of Northumbrian Masters Lodge No.3477 in 1994, Epicure Lodge No.9618 in 1996 and Old Dunelmians Lodge No.8100, in the Province of Durham, in 1997. He subsequently resigned his memberships of Priory Lodge, Northumbrian Masters Lodge and Old Dunelmians Lodge in 2010 and 2011. In acknowledgement of his dedication to the Craft Alan was apponted to the rank of Provincial Junior Grand Warden, in Provincial Grand Lodge, in 1988, being appounted to the grand rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1996, and subsequently promoted to the rank of Past Junior Grand Deacon.

He was exalted into Priory Royal Arch Chapter No.1863 in 1979, subsequently joining Northumbrian First Principles Royal Arch Chapter in 1995 and Old Dunelmians Royal Arch Chapter No.8100, in 1999, which he subsequently resigned from. He was acknowledged in Provincial Grand Chapter with appointment to the rank of Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 1993, and subsequently promoted to Third Provincial Grand Principle in 1996. He received the accolade of Past Grand Standard Bearer, in Supreme Grand Chapter, in 1998.

Away from Freemasonry Alan worked for the Crown Prosecution Service for many years as a solicitor, however has been retured for some fifteen years. Prior to the pandemic he regularly played bridge, enjoyed outdoor pursuits inclusing clay-pigeon shooting, skiing and fell-walking and travelled extensively worldwide including to Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand. More recently Alan is fully employed attempting to read all the books which he has accumulated over the years, and continues to purchase, however hasn’t got round to reading. His particular literary interests include military history and science fiction, and he also attempts the various Times puzzles on a daily basis.

Congratulations once again to Alan from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons and we look forward to the next milestone that you achieve in whichever order it may be.

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