Annual Celebrations With The Royal And Select Masters

07th November 2023

Saturday witnessed the Annual Meeting of the District Grand Council of Northumberland, of the Order of Royal and Select Masters, being held once again at Fern Avenue Masonic Hall, Jesmond.

Packed to the rafters, the building saw members of the order travel from the far reaches of the country, including East Anglia, Essex, Middlesex, Oxford, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire and Surrey, with  15 of the 25 Districts represented, including 9 District Grand Masters, 2 Past District Grand Masters, 11 Deputy District Grand Masters, and 7 District Grand Principal Conductors of Work. The thronging mass was particularly bolstered by large raiding parties from Cumberland and Westmorland and Durham, led by their respective District Grand Masters, R.Ill.Comp Douglas Sanderson and R’Ill.Comp Michael Graham respectively. 

Numerous members of every Council in the District, as well as Heads and Past Heads of Orders from the Craft, Royal Arch Chapter, Mark Master Masons, Royal Order of Scotland and Order of the Secret Monitor, were in attendance to witness their peers receive their well deserved appointments, re-appointments and promotions. Included in the number was R.Ill.Comp Prof Denovan Keith Wilson, the Assistant Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons.

A seamless, well drilled meeting, under the direction of the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ill.Comp Alex Thompson,  made way for a packed, convivial and very enjoyable Festive Board.

Congratulations, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, to all the Companions, for your various preferments.

Interested in finding out more about the Order of the Royal and Select Master? Head over to, or contact the District Grand Recorder on

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