A Grand (Lodge) Day Out for Northumberland Brethren

02nd February 2023

24 brethren from across the Province travelled to Freemasons Hall in London this week for an Especial Meeting of Grand Lodge to celebrate the tercentenary of the publication of the 1723 Constitutions of Freemasonry.  More than 1,600 attended the Especial Meeting of Grand Lodge, including Grand Masters and Representatives from American and European Grand Lodges, and the Grand Masters of the Order of Women Freemasons and HFAF – Freemasonry for Women.

The 1723 Constitutions of Freemasonry gave the world an astonishingly bold, almost revolutionary, proclamation of values. Starting with their promulgation, Freemasonry became an important vector for the principles of the Enlightenment, confidently propagating notions of religious tolerance, meritocracy, self-improvement by education and even democratic elections. Over time, these ideas spread to and were embraced across Europe and in America, shaping models of governance.

The Pro Grand Master, presiding over the meeting, introduced W Bro Dr Ric Berman of Quatuor Coronati Lodge who has led the planning for the year-long celebration of our constitutions.  W Bro Berman spoke eloquently about how the 1723 Constitutions set a pattern for Freemasonry throughout the world and explained how understanding its context helps to explain the origins of modern Freemasonry and shed light on the relationship between Freemasonry and Society today.  He also introduced a short film produced to dramatise how the 1723 Constitutions were conceived, developed and published.

W Bro Bermam then introduced the 2023 Prestonian Lecturer, Akram Elias the Past Grand Master of Washington D.C. who gave a preview of his forthcoming lecture: The 1723 Constitutions: The Indispensable Trowel: Cementing America’s Foundations.  Brother Elias was a wonderful and engaging speaker, and the content of his lecture was thought-provoking and encouraged much discussion and debate at the Festive Board afterwards (and on the Train home).

The Festive Board after the meeting was held in the Connaught Rooms and was attended by more than 600 brethren who enjoyed a splendid meal.

You can find out more about the 1723 Constitutions of Freemasonry by visiting the website: https://www.1723constitutions.com/

If you have a story, event or news item you would like to have published on the Provincial website, or social media, please get in touch with our Provincial Communications Team at news@northumberlandmasons.org.uk