A Christmas Message from Ian Craigs
Provincial Grand Master

24th December 2019

As we approach Christmas and the season of goodwill, my thoughts go back to the year we are ending and look forward to what lies ahead in 2020.

There has been a lot going on in the Province throughout 2019. Our charitable giving, the Pathways programme, Solomon, a new Secretariat, and of course, Lodge visits, Chapter visits, Centenaries and 50 year & 60 year presentations. Indeed, it has been an extremely busy year.

May I say that in Northumberland, we do take our Charitable giving very seriously. Those of you who were at Corbridge Road on December 9th will know how much our donations to 50 different organisations were appreciated. It was very humbling to hear first-hand, how the money that we gave was being used and how many people are receiving our help. The Festival reaches its climax next year and I am heartened by how many of you are donating to its success.

I am also delighted how Social Media and Newspapers are now highlighting our great work. In the past, our charitable efforts had a very low profile, but not now Brethren. It is heartening that so many people have said to me recently “We had no idea that the Freemasons did this and gave so much to those in need”. Brethren, we need to continue to spread the message and by doing so, we will be able to support those people and organisations that need our help.

I am greatly looking forward to 2020. We will see a new Lodge; The Provincial Stewards Lodge consecrated on January 11th and also, the Grand Finale to our Festival in October. The continuation of our drive to recruit new members should be a New Year Resolution for us all. I would also urge you to consider in the year ahead, giving support and help towards the TLC and Scarborough Court.

Whilst we do have a focus on expanding our membership Brethren, let’s not forget about retrieval of those who perhaps do not attend or are considering resignation. I hope you will all set your thoughts to this in the year ahead and let’s make our mentoring really work.Finally Brethren, I would like to thank you all for what you do within your Lodges, Chapters and beyond on behalf of our Province. May I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and a Prosperous and fulfilling New Year.